Raging Angels

I will speak my mind and show you those of us who cherish free thought will not just sit back and let the sheep continue to drag us down. Just because some view something as sacred doesn't make it so, it too shall stand up to scrutiny or fall under the pressure of dissection from within. For far too long the loud voice of faith has drowned out the unimpressed and indifferent muttering of the voice of reason. If this continues soon it will be to late for us to fight back as we will be engulfed in the bodies of sheep with the brains of cows. Our souls will be lifeless and useless - yes one may have soul without being a creation of a supernatural deity as it is no more then an idea one step beyond consciousness that has been deemed a gift or a blessing by those who fail to comprehend how the universe works. I am no professor, but there are those scientists out there who have tested the laws of nature and I absorb their lessons just as I do those of religious tomes, fables and the like. Every perspective is but only an idea, a theory, so why not accept the ones that could happen in this realm instead of those that could not? Either way you look at it, I want to match wits with those armed to the teeth with more ammunition than just 1 book when so much information is at one's fingertips in this day and age. No matter what you believe, make your voice heard even if angels rage at every word you utter.

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