Rhyme and Reason

You assume that rhyme and reason are defined by god and heaven. Nature and science are based in rhyme and reason, not fantasy and fable. No one knows what happens after death and to proclaim to is nothing more then speculation based on superstition and fear. The mind is more powerful then you give it credit for and just as people see jesus in a piece of toast there are those conditioned to see "heaven's gates" in a moment of massive trauma. I have heard this explained by both religion and science in various ways. It is easy to see god in everything good and the devil in all that is evil if that is what you have been brainwashed to believe is reality. However, belief and faith do not make this condition real. Just today I read Ecclesiastes as a challenge from a hard core believer to show me why man is prideful for believing there is no divine intervention. I see words, lessons, but no god, only man benefits from such control over one another. I love learning new perspectives as long as there is some reason involved, I can absorb the fine points into my philosophy if I deem it worthy with no influence from those who would "interpret" in pursuit of their own motives. I will never follow another man's idea of what life is, for far too many lives are lost in such pursuits. My experiences and survival are precisely why I choose to live life and not fear the unknown. Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives. I will live fast and die free. I often think of all the time and energy lost on the search for purpose beyond this life, the only life that we truly know of. Everything else is purely conjecture. I suppose in due time we will all find out what the future holds. Until then I will continue to question everything and seek out my path with empirical data.

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