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So, 2017 

So, this is it, 2017 is here and things are off to a grand start. As of this post, still in the studio, making a return to the booth to complete "Post-Apocalypse" and trying to reach as many dans as possible. I feel as though this is the time to push my way into the future and barge my way into the world. The end is always near, yet immortality is just beyond reach, only if stop reaching. It is not something easily ignored, unless you are so content that the mundane is a relief. I suppose I could never be…Read more

Steam Punk 

Interestingly enough, punks apparently take on various forms and functions depending on the time and space you refer to. There are even those that exist in alternate realities in parallel universes. Steam Punks and Cyber Punks are some of my brethren, yet I tend to be more of an amalgamation, a bastardization of the intertwined souls of these Punks having gone beyond beyond and found OverHorde at the end of darkness just before Oblivion's Abyss. These things pour out of my mouth and gush out of my pores…Read more

2012: Is this Really the End? 

Every few years or so there is another prediction that is to come to pass and end the world as we know it. This year however, is the big one, the really big one. That is one reason I live life as if there will never be a tomorrow because yesterday is gone. Today is all you have, so live like it and you won't have to worry about when the world ends. Truthfully, it really only matters when you end if you want to be technical. Even if you believe in an afterlife, other than being delusional, you are also…Read more

The Future is Here 

The Future has finally arrived and it is a beautiful display of horrible things that come for you when you are at your weakest.  You refuse to give in yet you are not willing to fight any harder than you need to in order to survive the dispair.  It is grim, but nothing to compare to Post-Apocalypes.  It is the beginning of the end of everything you know and love in favor of a glimpse at the impossible that you might find at the edge of darkness is the brightest light.  You will not see it with your eyes…Read more

Epic Hip Hop 

Beyond Beyond is the destination at the end of the trip that is more of a quest into the unknown just past the furthest you ever could possibly imagine you would dare to venture.  I like to live there in a dwelling made of fire and ice with lightening for a roof and thunder for the floor.  The four elements in a whirlwind of destruction is the entertainment in the living room where blood covers the walls like crimson nectar with bits and pieces of flesh for pulp.  I sometimes turn my head around backwards…Read more

Gothic Hip Hop 

Some hip hop heads say I am not Hip Hop. Some goths say I am not Gothic. I say I am everything and nothing, the past and the future, the negative and the positive, love, hate, heaven, hell, god, demon, life and death. I see the darkness in the world because it is all around me, it surrounds me in time and space. The music I hear in my head will always be dark, melancholy and epic. A master storyteller with a wild, ethereal imagination of boundless proportions was born. When I was a kid listening to…Read more

If the Music You Listen to is the Soundtrack to Your Life...what Genre are You? 

If you are listening to today's pop music, you are probably a romantic comedy or a dance movie, maybe with a little hood movie on the side.  There are plenty of ganster flicks and even some underdog, drama, horror, and so on.  I am war, horror, science fiction, epic, fantasy, espionage in a whirlwind of tragedy and desaster of apocalyptic purportions.  These are the things that stimulate me beyond the everyday, for that is where I live and yet underneath the surface there is a story that could not possibly…Read more

The Return of The Chronicles 

These have been strange months this year that have taken me away from The Chronicles as I have ventured into new endeavors. It is long overdue and I will now continue to carryon that which will pull you ever so close to the UnderWorld of OverHorde. You are invited to embrace yourself in the ethereal aura as the words attempt to captivate while the music seeps into your subconscious. Absorb the fullest of the dark arts and walk with the Magnificent Mutant sentence to life on Earth. Here we will begin…Read more


This title has been given to me on more than one occasion and perhaps it is appropriate in some instances. In others more like MedievalCore or SciFiCore, an epic warrior's tale of courage and valor. I am a broad dreamscape intertwined with a melancholy tendency towards violence. I live in the beyond beyond with a brain touched by drugs and a body drenched with pain. These are the mingling warlocks who cast spells on fortune tellers so they see that the past is the next best thing before the afterlife…Read more

The Darkest Hip Hop Album Ever Recorded? 

The Darkest Hip Hop Album Ever Recorded?

I don't know and I really don't care, that is not the point and the darkness is a product of me through no fault of my own. These are just the words I have heard from critics, friends, listeners and fans. It is what it is and that's just how it's supposed to be, what is meant to be. This is no attempt to "be" anything. I am morbid by nature and my heart has become blackened over time. This album chronicles the horrid visions that over came my existence in all…Read more

Message to Frontline Warrior 

I know I am not yet there, but I feel I am on my way. My life has been filled with love and hate, pain and pleasure. "The Introduction of Mau Fatt the Rotgut" is a journey down the dark path of purification by pain. When I use the term "god" it refers to the conceptualization man has created. I believe in nothing as a whole, yet everything omnipresent and all encompassing, positive and negative energy that surrounds us all every moment we exist. I need not give these forces a name, for they live within…Read more

Religion Should Arise from All Things...Natural and Spiritual 

As human beings we are constantly confronted by the beliefs of others and those who have come before us for a variety of purposes often unknown to us. The only way to find true salvation is to continue to learn and gain experience from both the natural and spiritual worlds. This simultaneous ingestion of information can create a new state of awareness neither can match alone. Do not let mankind corrupt the purity of your soul and spirit, find for yourself the true meaning of life. There are many things…Read more

OverHorde welcomes the Weird and the Wonderful: Life is Bliss if You Embrace it 

We all have the capacity to embrace our unique qualities and individuality. Will you? This is your chance to listen to your soul and let the energy of your life force seep in. The power is yours and we welcome you so we all may bask in your glory together. We are not clones or carbon copies simply manufactured, so don't act like it. Do not follow, but lead, blaze new trails and forge a bond with your true self. Now is the time. Let nothing stand in the way of your enlightenment or the pursuit of…Read more