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So, 2017 

So, this is it, 2017 is here and things are off to a grand start. As of this post, still in the studio, making a return to the booth to complete "Post-Apocalypse" and trying to reach as many dans as possible. I feel as though this is the time to push my way into the future and barge my way into the world. The end is always near, yet immortality is just beyond reach, only if stop reaching. It is not something easily ignored, unless you are so content that the mundane is a relief. I suppose I could never be…Read more

Time is of The Essence 

I know it has been a long time and it pains me to think about it when I can't avoid it.  I think there are times in everyone's life when their dreams take a backseat to their reality.  It isn't pleasant and often feels quite depressing, but it is an inevitability we cannot ignore.  We have to fight for our dreams, they will not just rest on our shoulders and make themselves obvious when we have dreamed long enough.  I had to come to this realization once again as I break out of this 2+ year slumber.  There…Read more

Steam Punk 

Interestingly enough, punks apparently take on various forms and functions depending on the time and space you refer to. There are even those that exist in alternate realities in parallel universes. Steam Punks and Cyber Punks are some of my brethren, yet I tend to be more of an amalgamation, a bastardization of the intertwined souls of these Punks having gone beyond beyond and found OverHorde at the end of darkness just before Oblivion's Abyss. These things pour out of my mouth and gush out of my pores…Read more


This title has been given to me on more than one occasion and perhaps it is appropriate in some instances. In others more like MedievalCore or SciFiCore, an epic warrior's tale of courage and valor. I am a broad dreamscape intertwined with a melancholy tendency towards violence. I live in the beyond beyond with a brain touched by drugs and a body drenched with pain. These are the mingling warlocks who cast spells on fortune tellers so they see that the past is the next best thing before the afterlife…Read more

Gospel Rap 

Does everyone truly have their cross to bear? It seems as though there has been a flurry of crosses throughout hip hop and music in general as if it is the thing to do, a trend or fad. Truthfully, this might not be far from the truth. The idea of flaunting how much money you have, or had rather, by paying tribute to a supposedly divine martyr, a selfless soul who died that we might live. It is absolutely brilliant to have captivated so many for the past two thousand years. The problem is that this is…Read more

The Darkest Hip Hop Album Ever Recorded? 

The Darkest Hip Hop Album Ever Recorded?

I don't know and I really don't care, that is not the point and the darkness is a product of me through no fault of my own. These are just the words I have heard from critics, friends, listeners and fans. It is what it is and that's just how it's supposed to be, what is meant to be. This is no attempt to "be" anything. I am morbid by nature and my heart has become blackened over time. This album chronicles the horrid visions that over came my existence in all…Read more